OK! Really? I don't know what it is about Pasco Arenacross but I love it!!! Too bad it doesn't have the same love for me. Last year the whoops were big, well this year they were bigger! Even the pros were having a hard time.
I show up at the Track Friday after working all night. My amazing girlfriend driving me 3.5 hours to the track so I can sleep. Excited to be under the Pinnacle Suspension tent with their new 27 foot semi/box truck we line up for practice. All went well until I fell over in the whoops you can hardly ride threw. My bike dies, could not get it to start. After cleaning my carb and doing a bunch of other stuff to hopefully fix the problem. My bike later left me pushing it off the track with a embarrassing DNF (did not finish). After talking over options with the boys at Pinnacle they offer once again to let me ride their spare bike. Being an '06 RM 250 (2stroke) I hesitated. The bike has a violent power and rides NOTHING like the CRF450 (4stroke) that I'm used to. Still thinking of what I should do my girlfriend tells me to "man up and grow a pair" thus I make the decision to ride the 2 stroke. I used my LCQ (last chance qualifier) as a practice for the next day.
SATURDAY: Getting comfortable with the 2 stroke I rode practice really well, and did alright in qualifying races. Until I crashed in the whoops and sprained my wrist. 7PM rolls around the stands fill up and it is race time. With back to back motos I line up for the 450 class with a dead last start and no chance to win, I focus on my timing and not wear myself out for the +25 class. With a good start in the plus 25 i was in second. going threw the whoops I clipped a hay bail with my foot peg sending it into the middle of my line. Next lap taking the same line, not knowing the hay bail was in my line i hit it, stopping my bike dead in my tracks I go over the bars and face first into the dirt.
Over all I feel like I let my friends, sponsors at Wrenegade's Bar and Grill and my self down. I am taking some time to myself to regroup. My bike is with Pinnacle being reworked, and I WILL be in Redmond Arenacross to WIN!!!
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